Software and Politics

Artificacts have Politics “Blockchain voting addresses how to vote in a trust-less society, but a trust-less society cannot have a functioning democracy.” -> error-handling

Potential use of Merkle Trees? (but also, city-is-not-a-tree )

Simplicity is more important that provably correct

“I think where most software engineers fail at politics, it’s in understanding that key point. We tend to over engineer our systems and never need to explain the inner workings to anyone who is non-technical. This isn’t restricted to just software engineers, of course. Any sufficiently advanced technology is difficult to explain in terms a non-expert can understand. But we do, at least, understand that we need to tailor the front-end user experience to the target demographic.”

Curious how this ties into the [over simplification of user interfaces](/thoughts/books/mindstorms#Microworlds and simplification)

“Blockchain voting fails at the most basic test of social technology: can you explain how it works to someone skeptical of the people in power in a way that makes them trust the system?”

Welcome weary traveler of the web, it looks like you've stumbled upon part of my web of thoughts and other things! Feel free to poke around but don't expect anything here to be remotely polished, accurate, or well-linked. This is mostly an internal thought dump that I've decided to publish in the hopes that something in here inspires someone or something. You can find a rough index here.