- “You implicitly invalidate any struggles they have, and eschew their private life. Your praise becomes so diluted that it’s meaningless, just another reflex or polite gesture. And, god forbid they ever deviate from this god-like persona that you’ve created for them.”
- feels like there is rarely any space to be vulnerable
- no room for failure -> a-failure-resume
- impostor syndrome
bandwidth of communication mediums
- 6 word story → baby shoes for sale, never worn
- creativity in interpretation
- low bandwidth mediums require interpretation
- requires human interpretation
- if its good, we refer to it as creativity
- if its bad, we just call it heuristics
- requires human interpretation
why i can never do good introductions
- apply labels to things
- people have expectations
- self-imposed as well
- first of many experiences → why do we feel the need to get it right at the start?